Genre : Horror | Thriller
Runtime : 93 Min
Director : James Wong
Plot : The plot stays the same. A student has a premonition of a fatal accident in a rollercoaster ride and saves his fellow friends. But death comes back at them.
Review : James Wong Directing it again and things are a little messed up in this installment. First of all it’s out of the sync. It’s a standalone sequel to the series. Honestly I never expected very much as soon as I came to know that it’s completely aside of the prequels. I knew the same will be repeated with some violent death, some great splatters and all that gore stuff. And ya I was right in guessing.
The movie kinda repeats everything you have already seen but in a different and innovative manner regarding the deaths. That is the highlight and has always been. What? Do you expect more? I would advise you to skip it then. It is basically made for the fans of series. It will not provide too much disappointment to them. I was not expecting much and actually it did not offer much. But still like it.
Final Verdict : Are you a fan? You must watch it then, otherwise can be skipped.
Rating : 6 on 10
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